Our Blog

Learn more about our heating, cooling, and plumbing services; plus tips & tricks!

  • Bryant HVAC system in yard.

    Tips to Keep Your Home Cool During a Heatwave

    Sometimes it gets HOT, and we know in St. Louis that HOT means HUMID. This can make summer days miserable in the area and it can seem like even though your AC is running all day you’re still not keeping your house as cool as you’d like. So we’re going to go over a few things that you can do to help take some of the burden off your AC and keep your home cooler.Read More

  • Tech charging HVAC system. Superior Heating Cooling Plumbing blog image.

    Why is refrigerant so expensive in 2022?

    Every three years the EPA makes changes to the efficiency ratings of HVAC equipment, but they also oversee the phase out of older refrigerants like R-22 that are harmful to the environment.Read More

  • Bryant air conditioning unit. Superior Heating Cooling Plumbing blog image.

    How Does your Air Conditioner Work?

    This week on Tech Tips we’re breaking down how your AC works and how your home goes from hot to cold with the push of a button! So let's break this down into steps, so we can walk through the process it takes to cool down your home. Read More

  • Woman adjusting thermostat to cool her home. Superior Heating Cooling Plumbing blog image.

    Does Your Home Cool Faster If You Set The Thermostat Lower?

    All too often we hear from customers that they’ve set their thermostat to 60 to cool it down faster and when it doesn’t cool down faster oftentimes they’re upset, but unfortunately that’s not how your AC system works. Read More

  • Homeowner adjusting their communicating hvac system. Superior Heating Cooling Plumbing blog image.

    Smart Home Versus Communicating System, Which is Better?

    When speaking with customers, we get numerous questions about what a smart home is and what the technology entails. We answer questions about what brands are best or will it really make a difference in a home.Read More

  • Couple on laptop researching high efficiency heat pumps. Superior Heating Cooling Plumbing blog image.

    Is a heat pump right for your home?

    A heat pump is part of a heating and cooling system and is installed outside your home. Like an air conditioner, it can cool your home, but it’s also capable of providing heat.Read More

  • Frozen ac line due to refrigerant leak. Superior Heating Cooling Plumbing blog image.

    Frozen AC Line

    A frozen AC line isn’t always just one simple thing, sometimes it can be a variety of things that can cause your AC line to freeze. One of these problems is poor airflow over your evaporator coil, which can be directly caused by not changing your furnace filter.Read More

  • Traffic sign with "OOPS!" on it and tiny house in background surrounded by coins. Superior Heating Cooling Plumbing blog image.

    Does Routine Maintenance Save you Money?

    For most of us when our HVAC system is working well, we often don’t think about it. However, if you don’t worry about it until it breaks you could be costing yourself a lot of money.Read More

  • Bryant AC unit. Superior Heating Cooling Plumbing blog image.

    Why a Variable Speed System Can Give You Peace and Quiet

    Over time like any appliance your AC will get worn and things will start to squeak and make noise, but that noise can be obtrusive and a lot to handle. Many of the older AC systems out there weren’t designed with sound dampening in mind. They were designed to operate at full speed all the time. Read More

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